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    12/2/2007, 20:19
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  • Albo d'oro dei GDR sul wrestling

    GWF Championship (x3) (Red Scream) - e-fed
    WGF Championship (x3) (Mr. Anderson) - a punti/a schede
    WWE Championship (Monty Brown) - e-fed

    WMF World Heavyweight Championship (x2) (Christian) - narrativo
    NPWA World Heavyweight Championship (AJ Styles) - e-fed
    WCW World Heavyweight Championship (Randy Orton) - a punti/a schede
    WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Evan Bourne) - a punti/a schede
    ZQWF World Heavyweight Champion (Monty Brown) - narrativo

    GWF Women's Championship (x2) (Daenerys) - e-fed

    ZWF Intercontinental Championship (x2) (Mr. RKO) - fantawrestling
    CSW Fire Burn Championship (Mr. RKO) - fantawrestling
    DWF Intercontinental Championship (Monty Brown) - narrativo
    GWF Sorrow Championship (Red Scream) - e-fed
    WWE Television Championship (Evan Bourne) - a punti/a schede

    WWF Hardcore Championship (x2) (Brock Lesnar) - e-fed
    GWF eXtreme Championship (x2) (Red Scream) - e-fed
    NWF IronCore Championship (Monty Brown) - narrativo

    WCW X-Division Championship (Christopher Daniels) - a punti/a schede
    WWE X-Division Championship (Curry Man) - e-fed

    DWF Unified Tag Team Championship (Sting w/Justin Gabriel) - narrativo
    FWF World Tag Team Championship (Red Scream w/Rocky) - e-fed
    GWF Tag Team Championship (Monty Brown w/Kofi Kingston) - narrativo
    WWE World Tag Team Championship (Monty Brown w/Randy Orton) - narrativo

    GWF Slammy Award as Face of the Year (x2) (Red Scream) - e-fed
    GWF No Way Out (Red Scream) - e-fed
    GWF Ladies Royal Rumble 2017 (Daenerys) - e-fed
    GWF Royal Rumble 2017 (Red Scream w/Luke Claymore) - e-fed
    GWF Slammy Award as Lady of the Year (Daenerys) - e-fed
    GWF Slammy Award for the Stable of the Year (Red Scream w/Right of Revolution) - e-fed
    GWF Slaymmy Award for the Ladies Match of the Year (Daenerys vs. Effie Whiles) - e-fed
    GWF Queen of the Ring (Daenerys) - e-fed
    R-Pro Me, Myself & World Tag League (V w/Rocky) - e-fed
    WGF King of Raw (Mr. Anderson) - a punti/a schede
    WGF Slammy Award for the extreme moment of the year (Mr. Anderson) - a punti/a schede